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Dive into a fascinating world of the philosophy of sport


This is the official website of the British Philosophy of Sport Association (BPSA). The BPSA is the UK organisation associated with the study of the nature and values of human movement, including the ethics and the unique values of games, play, and sport.


Our purpose is to provide avenues for those interested in philosophical issues in sport to present their ideas and network with others. We hold an annual conference, with a bi-annual joint conference with the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport, and have members from across the world.


Apart from our news, you can find out more about the executive of the BPSA, and check the details about  BPSA membership (you do not have to be British or live in the UK to join). As part of the membership fee you will receive online access and four print editions of the esteemed Sport, Ethics and Philosophy journal published by Routledge. You will also receive access to our online seminars.


In addition,  on our website you can find information about our meetings and conferences.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact an Executive Member of the BPSA.

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